Dr. Christopher Nguan accepts referrals from all over British Columbia and beyond. Urologic conditions which can be addressed include: prostate issues, urinary tract infections, urination issues (retention, leakage, overactive bladder), kidney/prostate/bladder cancer, genitalia issues (penis, scrotum and testes), kidney stones, Men’s Health (male menopause, infertility, erectile dysfunction, etc) and kidney transplant-related issues.
If you wish to send a referral to Dr. Nguan’s Urology practice, please fax your referral letter, including :
Referral fax line is: 1-888-561-9571 or email to admin@nguanmd.com
You may send written correspondence to:
Dr Christopher Nguan
6th Floor, 2775 Laurel Street
Vancouver, British Columbia
V5Z 1M9, Canada
tel: 604 875 5003 fax: 1 888 561 9571